
Xbox Tavern

Xbox Tavern Changes

We've made some pretty notable changes here at Xt, if you're interested to learn more, be sure to check out this article to see what's what, and why.


Xt Interview With DotEmu

Following the release of the outstanding YS Origin on Xbox One, we sat down with DotEmu and fired them over a few questions.

Sea of Thieves

Sea of Thieves’ Roadmap is a Big Step in the Right Direction

Rare's Sea of Thieves didn't receive the warmest of welcomes at launch, but now that the developer has outlined its content plan, there's a lot to look forward to.


Up and Coming Games from EGX Rezzed

I recently attended EGX Rezzed in London and got to play some upcoming releases as well as some crazy, off the wall stuff too.

Xbox One Logo

Microsoft, It’s Been a Very Confusing Gen, Pull Your Head Out

There's no denying that Xbox One has suffered a very confusing lifespan so far and its about time that Microsoft pulled their heads out and got back on track.

Console War

Platform or PC – The Community War Needs to End

It's 2018, must we continue to use gaming as a means to slag-off fans of the opposition platform rather than getting along, once and for all?


Five of the Most Anticipated Games of 2018

This year we've got some truly exciting games to look forward to. Here's some of the most anticipated games of 2018 so far.

No Mans Sky

Do Review Scores and Impressions Matter?

In a time in which scores and opinions continue to arrive thick and fast, do these really matter in the grand scheme of things? Here's what we think.

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