Locations >
Head office
Nielsen Media Research AS
Harbitzalléen 5, 0275 Oslo,
Email: hei@nielsen.com
Nielsen Film & Radio IDs:
Tel: +47 406 14 240
Email: radiospot@nielsen.com
Nielsen Panel Support*:
Tel: +47 21 45 66 55
Email: audiosupport.no@nielsen.com
*This contact information is directed at panelists who are recruited for the Nielsen radio panel.
Nielsen in Norway
Nielsen is a global leader in audience measurement, data and analytics, shaping the future of media in Norway. Learn more about our local offerings.
Available Solutions
Nielsen measures radio listening in the Norwegian market
On behalf of NRK, Bauer Media and the P4 group, Nielsen has renewed the measurement solution for radio listening in the Norwegian market from January 1st 2023.
The new elements of the measurement in the 2023 enhanced currency solution include:
- Introduction of Nielsen’s newly developed wearables meters in the panel, including a roll-out of a new method of detection inCAR listening
- Adjustments for listening behavior using headphones
The purpose of the measurement is to provide a representative picture of the radio listening behavior of Norwegians. Reporting includes listening to radio content from the radio broadcaster’s across distribution platforms and listening equipment.
Nielsen has been measuring radio listening in Norway since 2019.
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