Remothered: Broken Porcelain Review

Written and Directed by Darrel Arts in collaboration with Stormind Games comes Remothered: Broken Porcelain, an excellent addition to the Remothered series, with hard hitting action and plenty of horrific scenes to keep even the most blood thirsty of us satisfied. Continuing on from Tormented Fathers, Broken Porcelain puts you in the shoes of many characters through out the story while showing gritty flashes of the past and present.

For the most part you play the roll of Jennifer (Celest Felton) as you try to figure out why you have been put in this place and how to escape. Trapped in a Hotel referred to as the Ashmann Inn you soon find yourself being chased down by a variety of stalkers and other staff of the hotel. The atmosphere is amazing with realistic camera quality surroundings and lighting making this story truly captivating.

“After her expulsion from an all-girls boarding school, the rebellious Jen suffers an injury attempting to escape from the Ashmann Inn, where she was sent to serve as one of its maids. Together with her new friend and fellow maid, a timid violinist named Linn, Jen slowly becomes aware of the manor’s unsettling history. As the two girls begin to observe strange occurrences involving the inn’s residents, a haunting figure lurking within the halls, and an ominous presence from inside the hotel, the duo must escape from their prison with the truth…and their lives. Meanwhile, the enigmatic Rosemary Reed encounters an old nemesis, the since disfigured owner of the Ashmann Inn, in her continued search for Celeste Felton – a young girl who vanished years before under unexplainable circumstances. Closer to the answers she seeks than ever before, Reed will uncover everyone’s role in this twisted plot, for better or worse.”

This entry starts off fresh with a new feel and dynamic which unfolds in time with the story. New mechanics and ways to play have been added and gives Broken Porcelain more of an action vibe, breaking up the slower sections of Tormented Fathers you may remember encountering; all is quiet one minute, then loud and fierce the next while running for your life, outwitting and outsmarting the stalker right on your tail.

You have plenty of places to hide; lockers and chests aid you in escaping and give the opportunity to pounce on your stalker with a variety of weapons which are craft-able to a certain extent. You may add insecticide to a knife to inflict more damage to a stalker thus ending the fight quicker, similar in practice to the original game. Running from room to room may seem like a chore, but the constant frustration is alleviated by the graphical premise that is presented within each chapter in the story. Each chapter brings new life, each with it’s own scenario and well illustrated visuals making for a truly immersive experience.

The stalkers are truly defiant in the act of seeking players out and “bringing down the hammer” so to speak. With such a hard circle of sight to deal with, the character must choose wisely whether to make or break the situation they are in. This may include hiding in a spot not noticed by the NPC or hiding in a closet close by. BUT… this may also not be the case, at which point a special ability comes into play. Believe it or not… Moths are your best friend. I’ll leave the finer details for you to find out later but for now just accept some time with the little furry friends.

You are given the ability to fly as a winged angel but also damned just as much as having the ability to fly comes with pro’s and cons. It can be tricky to learn to handle but once you do the options for fighting back against the stalkers open up. You may be able to disorient the stalker in such a way that is distracting or may make the stalker do cruel and harmful things… one must do what is needed to survive.

Descending deeper into the pit of despair you must figure out the lies and torment that has been thrusted upon you. What is the cause really? Can you trust your friend with the bobby haircut, and does everything make sense? It’s highly unlikely as you scramble forth finding each puzzle to solve while staying alive. Sound is very much keen to keep you alive also; waiting for a stalker might be your only chance at survival so keep an ear out. Enriched with a full story of love and compassion divided by and evil premise you will find the end of your story… or will you?


Remothered: Broken Porcelain might be the new horror story driven game this Halloween! With high end visuals and continual story to boot we can only hope new and greater things will come of the series. Remothered deserves to sit along some of the genres best, and Broken Porcelain makes for a fine sequel – here’s hoping the wait isn’t too long for the next entry!

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This game was tested and reviewed on PC (via Steam). All of the opinions and insights here are subject to that version. Game provided by the publisher.
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  • Deeply Immersive
  • Superb graphics
  • Excellent sound
  • Audio cues can be off at times
Gameplay - 8.5
Graphics - 9.5
Audio - 8
Longevity - 8
Written by
Hey gamers! Dj Redcap here, been a gamer for years. A passion for video games since the early days of Atari Pong to the modern ages of Xbox One X, I've seen the Sega Master System, the NES, the Dreamcast, GameCube and all the rest. Born 1984, I have seen some great video game advances over the years and I'm glad to be here for them all. Hail from a small dot down the bottom end of Australia and proud to support Xbox. Feel free to hit me up on Xbox GT: vv Dj Redcap vv or twitter @Dj_Redcap

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